As always, Cedar Woods Assisted Living & Memory Care is taking additional measures to keep our Residents and Team members safe. Per the Governor, our community is conducting weekly COVID Testing on all Residents and Team members. Every Tuesday is know as “Tough-nose-Tuesday” but we reluctantly all line up in hopes it can speed up the re-opening of our Community. We are proud to have ‘flattened the curve’ at Cedar woods! Every team member has provided your loved one with quality care, compassion, and dedication during this pandemic.
Cedar Woods has been pro-active following all of the States re-opening guidelines. As many of you are aware, Senior Care Communities will be the last ‘business’ to open nationally, and unfortunately we cannot give an exact date. The safety and protection of our Residents is our first priority. We continue to follow all CDC guidelines and all visitors are prohibited unless you are an essential health care provider. All health care providers complete a health screening/questionnaire and temperature check before entering. Masks are mandatory upon entering the building for all our healthcare providers and team members. Our dedicated Housekeeping team continues to deep clean and sanitize the building multiple times throughout the day with approved CDC chemicals to kill the COVID-19 virus.
At this time we encourage all families to continue WINDOW VISITS, phone calls, face-time/ZOOM visits with their loved ones. Also, please visit our Facebook daily for new photos and special moments of your loved one. If you would like to donate items for our Residents we are always in need of painting crafts, word search books or any items you think our Residents would enjoy!
Please continue to stay safe, and if you have to leave your home remember to ‘social distance’ yourself from others and wear a mask.